Saturday, September 1, 2012


Today was another good day to shop. I found a lot of old good items. I'm one of those people that likes to go shopping  along, because that way you do not feel like you have to hurry.
I have family and Friend come over from time to time trying to talk me out of my items that I find on my shopping trips, but the problem is they want them for free.  I use to give them away  before EBay, now when I want to get rid of them I put them on EBay and get some of my money back I put in them. Some of my items I have had for about twenty years or more. I just sold an item I have had for a while I paid .50 cent for it about 1 years ago, I sold it for $200.00, a lot of my item I loose money on, because I'm trying to make room for more, so I just sell them for a low price. It's not really about the money. It's about finding hard to find things and giving someone else a chance to have it also.  THE FUN IS IN THE HUNT.

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