Saturday, September 15, 2012


 Today was a very slow day for  shopping. I didn't find anything good today, so today I watched syfy and dvd's, it was a hot day and all the while I was watching movies and tv I just wanted to get out in my yard and cut the grass, but I can't cut on my riding mower when no one else is home with me.
Why you asked - because once only once I fell a sleep on the mower and ran over the people next door fence, so now my family do not let me cut unless someone is home and outside with me.
It's late and it's move movie time, I have all Supernatural dvd's  season 1 - 6 just ordered season 7 , I think I will watch some more of that.  Sunday I will go into my storage and find some good items, since I can't find anything shopping.

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